Friday, 14 December 2007

Flash Booklet

For my last page I used it to give more information on why I done the saracastic mark, I then palce the sarcastic mark on the page also so the viewers could get a clear view of it. I then made this my CD holder for my flash presentaion. i palced another symbol over the top of the one on the page leaveing the top and one side not glued down so the cd fitted in perfect I then put the design on to the CD of the bit the CD was going to cover so it made the CD camafaged so you could hardly see it as it was lined up very well. I think my booklet worked really well as each page was differnt but yet they all linked as I used the same colours thoughout the book which I think makes it look so good. I was also really pleased about my pakaing for the CD as I used the book but not only that I managed to make it look like the page buy dding the desing on to the CD to make it look as if there is no CD on the page .

For pages 12 - 13 I displayed my last font that I used which was Book Antiqua, first i wrote out the name and made it that big you could not read what it means, but I did like the composition and the shape it made so I just wrote the name clearly next to it and displayed the sarcastic mark also, I think it looks really good even though it is a little plain.

For the brush script font I first of all had it vertical but the page looed to empty to I then made it horzontal and copied the word several times and over laped them but not have them line up so the page looks really interesting but not to busy you can also see the sarcastic mark which does stand out.

For the Times new Roman font i just made the type an out line and copied it then placed it over the top but slightly of line so it has boubled making the page look that more busyer and it doesnt look that over crowded because thay are an out line, the sarcastic mark also stand out as you can see though the font making it noticable.

The 5th and 6th page is all about the sarcastic mark in the font Comic Sans i have palce the letters and symbols includeding the sarcastic mark overlapping one another as this is what the comic sans clip does in my flash animation si I have done this to make them relate. I think it works as you can still see the sarcastic mark even though they are over lapped and there is alot of white sapce but it has a good ballance but it also makes the type stand out more.

For the 3rd and 4th page I dedicated it to the font Arial to show how the sarcastic mark look in this font I also showed how thw letters and other symbols look, I made the sarcastic mark the main view as this is what the book is about I then put the letters and other symbols ook as if it is coming out of the sarcastic symbol to make it look more interesting.

For page 2-3 I just used these pages for information about what the word sarcasict means. I made this page look more attractive but adding the word sarcatric and the sarcatic mark to it but making it look more interesting, buy repeting it but making them the colour grey the page looks really good, as it is full but not to busy I think the spacing in between the informatin and the design works really well they are not to close together.

I have ceated a booklet based on the fonts I used in my Flash presentation, I wanted to play around with the fonts making them look more interesting and a little like an image. For my front cover I wanted it to stand out so I decided to make it a bold colour with a little information on it so I done it red and put the title of the book in balck placeing a part of a large letter over the top which is part of the wor. I got this from a clip in my animation. For my back cover I choose for it to just be red so it would carrie on from the front i wanted it to be plain so you waould pay more attenton to the rest of the booklet.

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